Christmas Lights
The Christmas Lights Committee organises one of the village's most enjoyable events each year. On the first Saturday in December the committee runs a Christmas Lights event where lights are turned in in the village square, accompanied by carols and other entertainment. Father Christmas arrives to give presents to children. The committee runs fund raising events throughout the year to help make the event free for all comers.
Contact: Dick Meadows, 01480 461363.
Feast Week committee
The major summer event in the villages is our annual Feast Week. Feast Week is held over the first full week in July and comprises a huge number of diverse events - often 2 or 3 each day. The Feast Week Committee has the demanding task of organisation and coordinating the event, and running fund raising activities during the year to help pay for it.
Contact : Amanda Orchard 01480 493386
Memorial Hall Committee
The parish is proud to have a newly rebuilt Memorial Hall. The Memorial Hall Committee manages and runs the Memorial Hall. The Memorial Hall Committee is a charity and runs in accordance with a Trust Deed.
Further details of the Memorial Hall and an online booking enquiry facility can be found in the "How to..." section of this website.
Contact: Amanda Orchard (Chair), 01480 493386
Parish Magazine
The Parish Magazine is published bi-monthly throughout the year. The magazine is edited and managed by an Editorial Team.
The magazine carries advertisements in addition to village news and stories. Please contact to submit copy.
Editor: Julie Walker 07777 632842, The Stack yard, Chapel Lane, Houghton, PE28 2AY. email:
Editorial Reporter: Alan Williams 07740 778872
Administrator: Brenda Millard, 01480 465517, 1 Brookside, Houghton,
Distribution: Bill Skinner, Milton House, Huntingdon Road, 01480 469494,
Scout Hut Committee
The Scout Hut Committee manages and maintains the Scout Hut on the village Playing Field, principally for the benefit of the Scout and Guide organisation within the village.
The Scout Hut is also available for private hire and is a very useful venue for children's parties and many other types of event. Details of how to book can be found below and in the "How to..." section of this website.
Contact: Bookings - Mary Austin
Telephone: 07758 495321