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Houghton and Wyton Parish Council

What do you like about this village....and what's missing?

Front page of Neighbourhood Plan leaflet

Our Neighbourhood Plan was adpoted in 2018 and covers all of the Houghton & Wyton Parish. Follow the link to read it here.

It covers areas such as housing, access to green spaces, transport links, parking, employment, tourism and anything that can strengthen the community.

It is important the Plan meets our needs now and into the future. We are asking all residents and visitors to the Parish to fill in a short survey. This is the first step in beinging our Neighbourhood Plan up to date to reflect the current needs and priorities of the community. 

You can pick up a paper copy of the survey in Our Shop or at the Parish Office in the St Mary's Centre on Chapel Lane. Alternatively, fill in the Online Survey by clicking the link or scanning the QR code below.

Please return your survey by Friday 28th February.

QR Code

Popular Topics

Next Meeting - takes you to the Calendar where you can see the forthcoming Parish Council meetings. Click on the meeting of interest then click 'more details' to access the agenda or click on the required file below the calendar.

Parish Council– to find out who we are, how we operate and see our records.

Visit the Parish – details of the many Parish organisations, photos, footpath guides and lots more about our Parish.

 How To - book the pavilion and other village facilities, contact District & County Councils, prepare for floods.

 Contact Us   - details of how to contact the Parish Clerk and Parish Council including contact form.

 Useful Links - shows a list of useful links to local and national organisations.

 Facebook -  link  to  the Houghton and Wyton Community. (See bottom of page for PC Facebook link).

 Planning -  link to the Planning page and our Neighbourhood Plan.

 Documents - visit the Document Library to see documents related to the work of the PC.

Emergency Contacts- road blocked, flood, fallen tree, street light problem.

 Village Shop  -  link to the village's Community Shop website

 Timebank  -  link to Houghton & Wyton Timebank website.

 Copyright, Terms & Conditions and Privacy - for use of this website

PC Facebook - click on icon below


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