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Houghton and Wyton Parish Council

Village Defibrillators

Clare Anderson

Added at 13:11 on 29 October 2024

Village Defibrillators


Did you know that we now have three public defibrillators in the village? 
A defibrillator is a device that gives a high energy electric shock. This is an essential part of saving the life of someone in who is in cardiac arrest. 
The addresses and What Three Words locations are as follows: 
Outside Houghton Memorial Hall, St Ives Road. (cheese.loom.cabs) 
Outside the Sports Pavilion. (adopting.recliner.stale) 
Waterclose Meadows Campsite (March-Dec only) 

In an emergency, call 999 and read the code written on the defibrillator case. The call handler will give you a code with which to open the case and access the defibrillator. You will then be guided on how to use the defibrillator whilst an ambulance is on its way. 

You can find full details on our new Defibrillators page in the main menu.

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